Dynamic Kids Family Day Care Provider is a network of experienced and registered educators who provide care for other people’s children in their own home. Educators have been carefully selected and supervised and operate under the Education and Care Services National Regulations. Educators and Coordination Units are accessed and rated against the National Quality Standard to ensure quality and continuous improvement.


Our aim is to:

  • ensure equal partnership with families, educators and the community
  • recognise and nurture the individuality of each child to create a strong sense of identity and effective communication skills
  • create meaningful learning opportunities for children
  • provide children with a safe and secure environment where they can explore and experience the world around them, creating a sense of wellbeing and belonging
  • value the relationships children have with their educators and acknowledge the significance and trust required by all parties recognising the unique care opportunities that family day care provides to the community.


Inspiring children to reach their full potential and to meet this vision we act in a professional and respectful manner, valuing partnerships and diversity.


Dynamic Kids Family Day Care engages, supports, resource and inspires Educators to work in collaboration with families ensuring each child reaches their full potential.
Our primary focus is always what is in the best interests of the child and in doing so we honor the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


  • respect
  • democracy
  • courage
  • social and cultural responsiveness
  • education
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • justice


We strive to provide a good quality home based care environment for children whose parents need to be absent for any purpose; either working, studying or busy with other duties.
Children are welcomed into a safe home environment and cared for in a small group by a registered educator who will provide daily experiences and routines which will promote the development of each child to their full potential.
Our service’s philosophy reflects the:

  • Significant investment by State and Federal Governments and ACECQA
  • Guiding principles of the National Quality Standard (NQF)
  • The National Law and National Regulations
  • Victorian laws
  • The National Quality Standard
  • Assessment and rating of services
  • National learning frameworks
  • Family Assistance Law
  • Policies and procedures used to implement laws and regulations at our service
  • Governance arrangements under NQF